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No results found for "The people who are paying for the Government are not allowed to control it".
That is the seed of our demise.
No results found for "military bleeding the budget". Googled=Aug 8th, 2011 (filtered media?)
$608 aug2 2011 game# 1
$294 2
$100 3
$200 4
$075 5
$175 6
$025 7
$200 8
$114=$1616 for the day
Day 2 BJ Aug3rd
$200 11:16am
Tot $1,088+$170=$1158
then $1293
Aug 5th
No results found for "economic collapse barometer", on August 6th, 2011
Results for "declare indifference to martial law" (without quotes):
More than 420 million oz of gold were concentrated in circum-Pacific synorogenic quartz lodes mainly during two periods of continental growth, one along the Gondwanan margin in the Palaeozoic and the other in the northern Pacific basin between 170 and 50 Ma. These ores have many features in common and can be grouped into a single type of lode gold deposit widespread throughout clastic sedimentary-rock dominant terranes. The auriferous veins contain only a few percent sulphide minerals, have gold:silver ratios typically greater than 1:1, show a distinct association with medium grade metamorphic rocks, and may be associated with large-scale fault zones. Ore fluids are consistently of low salinity and are CO2-rich.
In the early and middle Palaeozoic in the southern Pacific basin, a single immense turbidite sequence was added to the eastern margin of Gondwanaland. Deformation of these rocks in southeastern Australia was accompanied by deposition of at least 80 million oz of gold in the Victorian sector of the Lachlan fold belt mainly during the Middle and Late Devonian. Lesser Devonian gold accumulations characterized the more northerly parts of the Gondwanan margin within the Hodgkinson–Broken River and Thomson fold belts. Additional lodes were emplaced in this flyschoid sequence in Devonian or earlier Palaeozoic times in what is now the Buller terrane, Westland, New Zealand. Minor post-Devonian growth of Gondwanaland included terrane collision and formation of gold-bearing veins in the Permian in Australia's New England fold belt and in the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous in New Zealand's Otago schists.
Collision and accretion of dozens of terranes for a 100-m.y.-long period against the western margin of North America and eastern margin of Eurasia led to widespread, latest Jurassic to Eocene gold veining in the northern Pacific basin. In the former location, Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous veins and related placer deposits along the western margin of the Sierra Nevada batholith have yielded more than 100 million oz of gold. Additional significant ore-forming events during the development of North America's Cordilleran orogen included those in the Klamath Mountains region, California in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous; the Klondike district, Yukon by the Early Cretaceous; the Nome and Fairbanks districts, Alaska, and the Bridge River district, British Columbia in the middle Cretaceous; and the Juneau gold belt, Alaska in the Eocene. Gold-bearing veins deposited during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous terrane collision that formed the present-day Russian Far East have been the source for more than 130 million oz of placer gold.
The abundance of gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins throughout the Gondwanan, North American and Eurasian continental margins suggests the migration and concentration of large fluid volumes during continental growth. Such volumes could be released during orogenic heating of hydrous silicate mineral phases within accreted marine strata. The common temporal association between gold veining and magmatism around the Pacific Rim reflects these thermal episodes. Melting of the lower thickened crust during arc formation, slab rollback and extensional tectonism, and subduction of a slab window beneath the seaward part of the forearc region can all provide the required heat for initiation of the ore-forming processes.
Hydrometallurgical processes have been proposed for selectively leaching nickel, then copper from non-mounted printed wiring boards, which contain considerable amounts of heavy metals, such as copper, nickel and gold in metal strips printed on the resin substrates, while at the same time recovering solid flakes of gold in high purity. Among the leaching reagents examined, nitric acid showed a great possibility of recovering gold flakes and its leaching performance was evaluated in terms of such experimental parameters as concentration, temperature, time and solid–liquid ratio. With the advance of the leaching of the base metals, gold flakes were detached spontaneously from the boards and recovered easily in high yield with excellent purity. For the separation of copper and nickel, both two-step leaching and solvent extraction have been examined. In the former process, nickel was selectively leached with 0.1 M HNO3 solution in the first step of leaching, and the remaining copper was transferred into 1.0 M HNO3 solution in the second step of leaching. In the latter process, copper could be selectively extracted from the leach solution with LIX984 reagent as extractant, while leaving nickel in the raffinate solution. Stripping was carried out successfully with 4.0 M HNO3 solution, giving pure copper solution of over 10 000 mg/L. An overall separation scheme has been proposed.
"The beginning of the collapse of the twin towers of the U.S. Businesses and U.S. Government" [[[August 5th 2011]]]
"Freople are Peeking Out"
Barbara Ehrenreich’s most recent book
“more smiles, more laughter, more hugs, more happiness and better yet, joy…but we cannot levitate ourselves into that blessed condition by wishing it. We need to brace ourselves for a struggle against terrifying obstacles, both of our own making and imposed by the natural world. And the first step is to recover from the mass delusion that is positive thinking….Why should one be so inwardly preoccupied at all? Why not reach out to others in love and solidarity or peer into the natural world for some glimmer of understanding?…Why spend so much time working on oneself when there is so much real work to be done?”
San Francisco Beach Gold worth $130,000 @$35.00, presumable, mined on S F Beaches in the mid 40s.